Democratic Resources

After the 2016 Presidential election, progressives across the country got excited about getting involved in politics at all levels.  Below are some resources that you might find useful if you’re one of those people who are newly-energized:

Podcasts – Subscribe and listen for more information

  • Crooked Media – Run by three relatively young members of the Obama administration, Crooked Media produces Pod Save America, Pod Save the World, and other podcasts that are a mix of news, progressive commentary, and activism.
  • The Axe Files – David Axelrod hosts this interview-based podcast that invites members of the entire political spectrum to share their histories and views
  • FiveThirtyEight Politics – FiveThirtyEight is dedicated to statistical analysis of politics and other newsworthy events.  The podcast covers those events, and attempts to make sense out of it all.
  • The West Wing Weekly – We can’t spend all of our time in the depths of real-world politics, right?  “TWWW”, co-hosted by a member of the cast, goes week-by-week through episodes of The West Wing, discussing them, and the associated politics, as if the show were on the air today.

Local Resources – How to start helping in the immediate area

National Resources – Where you can help at a higher level

  • Re: Act Newsletter – Started after the most recent presidential election, you can sign up here for a weekly email that gives short, actionable activities for you to take to drive progressive action or limit conservative damage.
  • Swing Left – With the goal of taking back the House in 2018, Swing Left targets winnable “swing districts” that Democrats hope to pick up in the next election.  You can get involved financially or through a number of volunteer activities.
  • Run For Something – Ultimately, people need to run for office.  Run For Something is dedicated to building a progressive bench by helping young Democrats run for office at any level,
  • Indivisible Guide – A guide to resisting the Trump agenda, this site has great information, as well as links to thousands of local groups that can help with specific actions that you can take to fight back against Trump’s goals
  • Let America Vote – One of the biggest challenges we have is Republican attempts to limit people’s ability to vote through everything from voter roll purges to voter ID.  Let America Vote was started by Jason Kander to help fight back against those efforts across the country.